Saturday, May 11, 2019


Tekmap too!

A sort of function over form sort of map. Liberal use of jump pads to make a fast paced, cap and frag heavy game.

The texture set is mostly ikbaseq3.wad. It didn't really give me a lot to work with I felt and a lot of the texture selections were in a spirit of "make do" in a sense. The brushwork is also at an odd scale, making the overall map feel rather big where in reality it plays like a smaller map.

This map is gonna be hard for defense, as a lot of my maps are. I donno what else to say. I think it looks more plain than my other recent maps. Part of that is because of the texture set, (or my inability to use it well,) and that I've been consciously trying to smplify my maps so as to not have them go over the Tastysleen megaTFs map limits.