The Middle Ground
A QWTF map.
Map size uncompressed 3.22mb
This is a small CTF map designed for between 4 to 8 players. Resupply packs fully resupply the player and have a cooldown of 12 seconds. The resupply pack in the spawn room however has a cooldown of 1 second. The Quaddamage is active for 12 seconds and have a cooldown of 3 minutes.
Dropped flags return to their base after 10 seconds and award 10 team points for a successful capture. Both teams share a single capture point in the middle of the map.
There's a few minor texture and entity alignments issues that I'm too lazy to fix. I've included the .map source so anyone is free to modify the map as they see fit. Extract the .rar into your Quake directory.
Nerdy Technical Filler:
Input file: midground.map
Output file: midground.bsp
Wrote midground.bsp
2524 planes 50480
11621 vertexes 139452
4841 nodes 116184
1560 texinfo 62400
9035 faces 180700
10990 clipnodes 87920
2893 leafs 81004
11863 marksurfaces 23726
42574 surfedges 170296
21304 edges 85216
60 textures 833564
lightdata 0
visdata 0
entdata 23095
---- vis / TyrUtils v0.15 ----
running with 4 threads
testlevel = 4
BSP is version 29
2774 leafs
1389 clusters
4431 portals
Expanding clusters...
average leafs visible: 1606
c_noclip: 0
c_chains: 310650264
visdatasize:758497 compressed from 962578
Writing BSP version 29
392.0 seconds elapsed
---- light / TyrUtils ericw-v0.15.9 ----
extra 4x4 sampling enabled
Raytracing backend: Embree
running with 4 threads
BSPX colored light output requested on command line.
LoadBSPFile: 'midground.bsp'
BSP is version 29
--- LoadEntities ---
211 entities read, 162 are lights.
--- OptionsSummary ---
"range" was set to "0.350000" from commandline
"dirt" was set to "1" from commandline
"dirtscale" was set to "2.000000" from commandline
"minlight_dirt" was set to "1" from map
"bounce" was set to "1" from commandline
"sunlight2" was set to "425.000000" from map
"sunlight2_color" was set to "175 175 255" from map
"sunlight_dirt" was set to "1.000000" from map
"sunlight2_dirt" was set to "1.000000" from map
Embree_TraceInit: Embree version: 2.15.0
Embree_TraceInit: 644 skyfaces 8263 solidfaces 0 fencefaces 0 selfshadowfaces 0 skipwindings
SetupLights: 162 initial lights
SetupLights: 162 after surface lights
SetupLights: 162 after jittering
using 65 suns for _sunlight2. total light: 425.000000 color: 175.000000 175.000000 255.000000
--- EstimateLightVisibility ---
Final count: 162 lights 65 suns in use.
--- SetupDirt ---
48 dirtmap vectors
--- MakeTextureColors ---
--- MakeBounceLights ---
--- LightWorld ---
Lighting Completed.
lightdatasize: 191481
0 switchable light styles
Writing newmap2.bsp as BSP version 29
29.150 seconds elapsed